“Cromozero, Beretta gun barrels will be greener”
Green challenge in the Beretta house. The Weapons Factory of Gardone Valtrompia, which until now has used hexavalent chromium for the internal treatment of barrels, has decided to switch to galvanic chromium plating. The goal is to develop an alternative and more sustainable method than the classic hard galvanic chromium plating, a process used in various sectors, which involves the creation of coatings by depositing a layer of hexavalent chromium. This latter element is capable of guaranteeing excellent performance from many points of view, but which is harmful to the environment and health.
Inaugurated last September in a technological partnership with Duralar Italia (founded in 2018 by the union of the Gardona-based Galvanotechnik and the US-based Duralar Technologies), “Cromozero” consists of the creation, through plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, of a coating, called Diamond-Like Carbon, which exploits two chemical properties of carbon: the typical hardness of diamond and the ease of graphite sliding.
With the development of «Cromozero» Beretta and Duralar «are leading the way not only for the armoury sector – explain Filippo Tanfoglio, commercial director of Galvanotechnik and Marco Simoncelli, Board of Directors of Duralar Italia – but also for other sectors that use chrome plating such as automotive, taps and medical, food and sanitation».