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PECVD/DLC deposition technology

Duralar’s uniqueness lies in the patented “Hollow Cathode Technology” system, which allows faster deposition times and thicker coatings that can be applied to complex geometries. In particular, Duralar uses this technology for Carbon-based coatings called DLC.

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Reduced deposition times

Duralar technology allows for much faster deposition

Uniform coating

Also ideal for products with complex 3D shapes and cavities

Green coating

Duralar technology respects the environment and the health of workers

Custom upholstery

We study bespoke coatings for each customer

duralar italia tecnologie di deposizione dlc pecvd dlc

DLC Features

DLC is the acronym for Diamond Like Carbon and is a carbon coating, which has bonds similar to those of both diamond and graphite. Our patented system boasts several benefits: very low friction coefficients, higher hardness than traditional coatings, high chemical and wear resistance, all with reduced process times compared to more traditional vacuum deposition methods.

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DLC Applications

Thanks to its characteristics, Diamond Like Carbon is applied in the following sectors.

Hollow Cathode Plasma Technology

Duralar’s patented Hollow Cathode technology is unique in that it creates extremely dense plasma to coat the components being processed. This allows for faster deposition times and thicker coatings that can be applied to complex geometries and adjusted to meet specific application performance requirements. This PECVD coating process offers advantages in three key areas:

  • Low friction coefficient
  • High deposition rate
  • High uniformity
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High corrosion resistance

Creates an inert protective layer against atmospheric and chemical agents.

High wear resistance

Tribological coating suitable for applications involving sliding parts.

Low friction coefficient

The lowest friction coefficient of all coatings makes it a dry lubricant.

High hardness

Thanks to the diamond bonds contained in the coating.

Systems for PECVD/DLC treatments